I wanted to include this feature for a long, long time but never found the time to actually make it. But it's finally here: on the advanced search page you can now 'build' you own back-IO and internal-IO to find your perfect motherboard. Or use it to find the weird ones out there, such as boards with mini-displayport in.

The usual stuff still applies here: even though it's much better than before, it's still incomplete and I want to improve and expand the advanced search more. But it takes time to do that, of which I don't have an awful lot lately.

Note that the advanced search results are saved and you can share them via the url (as the note on the results page says), BUT it's a static result. In other words, if you search for all boards with a VGA port and a week after your search new boards with a VGA port have been added they won't be added to the previous result. This is an area I want to improve upon, but I want to take some extra time to figure out the best way to do this. In the meantime I didn't want to hold back this functionality any longer so I decided to release with static results first.

In any case, I hope this functionality is of any use to anyone. And if you have any questions or feedback, just use the contact link in the top menu :)